Saturday, September 17, 2011

Virginia Rail and Clapper Rail Hunting

Hunting season is upon us and Wachapreague has some unique opportunities!
Rail bird hunting is a exciting hunt from a boat during extreme high tides. Leaving the dock, the shooting could begin as soon as you are far enough away from any buildings. With the marsh flooded, the rail seek high ground which could be duck blinds, raised marsh or even floating around on sea grass.
The rails flush and swim as you come up on them. Any size shot gun is acceptable. The limit is 15 per person. The guide is $150.00. This is a great hunt for those who love to shoot. Typical action is non stop.
We can set up a hunt geared towards youth. Because of the steady action and the fact you are on a boat floating through flooded marsh there is no time to get bored. We guarantee they will not be pulling out any game boys!
Come join the action! The best times according to the tide predictions will be at the end of the month. September 26 though October 1.
Special room rates are available when you book a trip with our local guides.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

I know where I'm hunting this year !

This nice buck was caught on film by Jeff Smith from York, PA. They saw it crossing the channel from Parramore Island to Cedar Island. At first they thought it was drift wood floating until it surfaced and shook off. Prettyy cool stuff.
Cedar Island is available for camping. Contact the Inn for details.