Sunday, March 21, 2010


Water temp is in the low 50's and the flounder are here. Atlantic Ave is lined with trucks & trailers and they are catching the smaller, sweet ones. 18 1/2" this year, with 4 per person. Renovations are coming along beautifully, ready for paint & trim in the big house. Putting the railing on the rooftop deck :) Setting the apartment on the new foundation this week and working on sliding glass doors.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Nita Dream Charters- Wachapreague Inn Package

Nita Dream Sport Fishing Charters and Wachapreague Inn have gotten together to create some great deals for the Fisherman
Go out fishing one day for what ever you like and stay two nights at Wachapreague inn and you save on both

Fishing Trip and Motel Specials
1 Day Offshore Fishing and 2 nights in Motel for up to 6 people $1495
1 Day Wreck Fishing and 2 nights in Motel for up to 6 people $950
1 Day Inshore Fishing and 2 nights in Motel for up to 6 people $795
1 Day Small Boat Fishing Inshore Fishing and 2 nights in Motel for 2 people $495

Additional discounts for more days fishing and longer stays at the Inn

Nita Dream Ready for 2010 season

Nita Dream Sport Fishing Charters is ready to start the 2010 season

The regulations have been set for Flounder at 18 1/2 inches and 4 fish with no closed season and for Sea Bass 12 1/2 inches and 25 per. person from May 22nd till August 8th then again from Sept 4th till Oct. 4th.

Tuna fishing should start around Memorial Day and last till the end of October

If you are interested in setting up a fishing trip give me a call
Capt. Frank Large 540-297-2307

The Sea Bass season will have been closed for 8 month on May 22nd so the fishing should be really good so call and reserve the day you would like before it is gone

We Have set up some great Fishing Trip-Wachapreague Inn packages

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Check out the renovations - will be ready for flounder tournament 2010!