Sunday, October 9, 2011

3rd Time and will return

We have been to Wachapreague 3 times in the last 90 days. 1st time was in late August. Fishing was good. Few flounder, few craoker and plenty of small blues. Second time in early September fishing was more than excellent. 38 Flounder in 1.5 days of fishing. Very few keepers but I still dont feel that I have a good grip on what the flounder want and where I need to be. Third trip was this last friday and saturday. i brought my 6 year old son and he had a super time. Caught a few nice flounder and a few sharks and blues. Everyone there from the bait shops, marina, restaurant and especially the Inn. Everyone makes you feel at home and definitely worth the 3 hour drive for us.

Barry Smith

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Virginia Rail and Clapper Rail Hunting

Hunting season is upon us and Wachapreague has some unique opportunities!
Rail bird hunting is a exciting hunt from a boat during extreme high tides. Leaving the dock, the shooting could begin as soon as you are far enough away from any buildings. With the marsh flooded, the rail seek high ground which could be duck blinds, raised marsh or even floating around on sea grass.
The rails flush and swim as you come up on them. Any size shot gun is acceptable. The limit is 15 per person. The guide is $150.00. This is a great hunt for those who love to shoot. Typical action is non stop.
We can set up a hunt geared towards youth. Because of the steady action and the fact you are on a boat floating through flooded marsh there is no time to get bored. We guarantee they will not be pulling out any game boys!
Come join the action! The best times according to the tide predictions will be at the end of the month. September 26 though October 1.
Special room rates are available when you book a trip with our local guides.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

I know where I'm hunting this year !

This nice buck was caught on film by Jeff Smith from York, PA. They saw it crossing the channel from Parramore Island to Cedar Island. At first they thought it was drift wood floating until it surfaced and shook off. Prettyy cool stuff.
Cedar Island is available for camping. Contact the Inn for details.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Chic Tourney

The Teaser girls got a little wild and wet on the ride back... evidence hanging from the rigger :)

The girls on Team Teaser pose with their catch after a great day fishing in the Wachapreague
Chic Tourney.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Nita Dream's Great weekend of Fishing

Nita Dream had a great weekend of fishing, catching our limit of Flounder on two days then fishing the Chic Charter Tournament where we got a White Marlin

Nita and Montana (Our son) with her White Marlin caught during the Chic Charter Tournament
Brian and Buddy had a great time catching a limit of Flounder by 1:00

We had some nice Flounder to 24 inches on Thursday

Fishing is pretty good right now so give us a call and you can be out there on the water

Good Fishing Capt. Frank Large


Saturday, August 20, 2011

Three Keepers! 8/20 2011

Kate and I caught three keeper flounders on August 20th. Our first was a 19-1/2" caught by Kate, the second one was a 20 1/2" caught by me, and the thirds was a 18 1/2" caught by me. We caught 13 undersized flounder for a total of 16! We also caugt a small bluefish and loste a searobin and a northern kingfish at the boat. The restaurant across the street was awesome! We stayed at Wachapreague Inn, and we can't wait to come back!

Friday, August 19, 2011

Off Shore Wrecks

The wrecks at this time of year are packed with action! We went out Tuesday and caught 6 species of fish 3 I don't know the name of and the other 3 are Tog, Seabass and Flounder. Find the wreck and drop them down equals instant action.
Call 1 757 787 2105 for a charter.
This tog was just under 8 lbs.

Chic Charter Tournament 8/21/11

Ladies put your team together and show the Eastern Shore what you're made of! Teams are all women with the only males allowed are the mate and captain. This is one of the most exciting tournaments out of Wachapreague. If you can't fish it, come over and watch the weigh in's from 4:30 to 8pm behind the Island House Restaurant.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Nita Dream had a great weekend of Offshore and Inshore Fishing

This was the boys first trip Offshore fishing and they got two White Marlin and a nice mess of Tile Fish and Sea Bass

Great day Flounder fishing out of Wachapreague on Nita Dream with nearly 20 keepers one being over 7 pounds and several more 3 to 5 pounds range plus a few nice Sea Bass

Fishing is pretty good right now so give us a call and we can line up a fishing trip

Good Fishing Capt Frank


Flounder,Blues and Trout in the inlet

Took the kids out fishing this weekend and fulfilled all their fishing dreams! First we drifted for flounder inside of Cedar Island and immediately hooked up with a throw back. This excited the kids and the trash talk began. We threw back a few more flounder and croakers before seeing the birds working off the point of Parramore Island. Real em up! We rigged up with bucktails and white grubs. Everyones first cast came back with grub tails missing and talk of the major hits they all received. We ended up catching dozens of snapper blues and a few spike trout.
This is a great time of year to have your children experience an action packed fishery !

Saturday, August 13, 2011


The fiddler crab on single hook rig slowly disappeared as it descended into the crystal clear water. It bounced on the bottom and Martin took the slack up out of the line. No sooner had he finished, when there was the telltale light tap on the business end of the outfit. He hit back hard thinking it might be a triggerfish or sheepshead. The fish hit back harder and attempted to dive back into the wreck. But Martin held on and fight had begun.

The fish felt like a tautog because the pumping battle. But the water was too warm for this species. After a few minutes, the fish was seen, but not recognized about 20 feet down. When he got the critter within five feet of the surface identification was possible. Thinking this could not be, we had to admit that it was a codfish.

A codfish in Virginia in the middle of August. Unheard of! There has to be something going on in the environment to find this cold water species this far south, in 60 feet of water, during the dog days of Summer.

Had a great day. Trolled to the wreck catching unlimited numbers of one pound blues. After anchoring, we fished for triggers, sheepshead, tog, seabass and flounder. Wound up with no triggers, sheepshead or tog but caught our limit of flounder and a few keeper seabass besides the cod. All the flatfish we caught were legal. The largest was 23 inches.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

August: Great time to pick up flounder in the inlet

Hot days of August are producing nice keeper flounder in the inlet. The north end of Parramore and the south end of Cedar Islands have long slopes that go deep and the flounder are hanging on them. Other catches are kingfish, croakers ( have seen them up to 17") bluefish and sharks.
Great time to bring the family down to explore the islands. We can take your family out or bring your own boat. Boat rentals are also available.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Full Moon Sweep

Left early Saturday with a full moon as bright as the sun and seas as flat as can be. Breathtaking!
Had our 2 teens so we headed to the navy bouys first to ball some mahi. Not much there except some small Jacks. Trolled to the Norfolk with a White Marlin release and 2 yellowfins. Good time had by all!

Nita Drean Deep Drop and

Nita Dreams weekend of July 15, 16 and 17 was good fishing and good weather. On July 15 Holland party caught tuna and had a chance at a couple of White Marlin but could not keep them hooked up. On July 16 Uphold party went Deep Dropping and caught limited tilefish and nice seabass ranging to over 3 lbs. While out there we saw a large Finback Whale and hundreds of Pilot Whales, sea turtles, two tone dolphins and even a big Hammer Head Shark there was alot of sea life.

The Deep Drop fishing is a lot of fun but it is hard on your arms they had a hard time holding their fish up for a picture
Give me a call to set up your fishing trip on the Nita Dream
Good Fishing Capt Frank

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

30th Anniverary of Eastern Shore Marlin Tour.

There is no better time then this year to enter the Eastern Shore Marlin Tournament.
30th Anniversary and the Marlin bite the last couple of years has been off the hook!
It is held in down town Wachapreague on July 22, thru the 26. The Thursday 23rd is the captains meeting and Monday 26th is the awards banquet, both at the Island House Restaurant. This is a great opportunity to show your angling skills and enjoy the camaraderie of the fishing fleet. Nowhere else will you enjoy the fellowship of fishermen more than right here on the shore. Each night at "way in's" is a party in itself. Friends, family and tourists gather just waiting to see what will come to the scale next.
Without the support of Fishermen and women this Tournament will be a thing of the past. So get a boat and form a team, you owe yourself some time off shore and a break from reality.
UNITE Eastern Shore fishermen and be one with the Sea!
Contact the Wachapreague Inn for info and sign ups 757 787 2105

Of Tiny Bugs and Giant Hammerheads

Of Tiny Bugs and Giant Hammerheads

A little bug popped out of the water of our bow wake and flew about 50 feet. Then another and another. After seeing the third, we decide that they weren't invertebrates, but small flying fish. Perhaps they are common at these latitudes in the summer but we had never noticed them before.

Today was a day to see them. Though there was a four foot swell, the air was completely still and not even a hint of ripple on the sea surface. We decided to troll to a set of numbers we were given where a wreck we hadn't found previously should be located. At times, this strategy works but often the location is off by a little.

The rod/reel on the port side started screaming and looking back we saw the sea erupt about 100 yards behind our stern. Ruta grabbed the rod but the fish which was obviously a mahi continued to strip line. Martin was reeling in the other rods and steered the Sea Wyf. After about 10 minutes, the fish was brought along side and landed. Was a 14 pound mahi.

That was the beginning of a perfect day. We continued trolling to the wreck site and it was there. Took a couple drifts over it to see if there was life below. There was, we immediately caught a few seabass though only one was of legal size, 12 1/2 inches.

We decided to anchor and spend at least a few hours. Dropped a chum bag over to see what we can attract. After a few hours we had caught a good number of legal seabass though maybe only one in 10 were larger than the minimum size.

Then Martin noticed that our surface line back in the chum started moving toward the boat. He picked up the rod and struck. The fish ignored the strike and kept coming and turned a bit toward the starboard side. It was obviously a very big and strong fish.

We thought it was probably a cobia. However, when it came along side, we saw the fish was half the length of the Sea Wyf and was a hammerhead shark. At that point it realized it was hooked and ran off 200 yards of line. We fought the critter almost back to the boat before it broke off.

We were sure happy that Martin didn't have to go overboard today like he did a few trips ago.

A few hours later, we decided that we had caught plenty of fish for this trip and began trolling home. We did pick up a nice bluefish on the way in and had a few other hits. Probably blues.

This was just another day in paradise: The Eastern Shore of Virginia.

We forgot the camera today, the day we have a 10 ft hammerhead next to the boat, so the pic is one from our archives.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Cobia on the hill

Like a brown flash the fish charged our starboard side picked up the outside line at a 90 degree angle. It took the green/yellow feather and kept going across to port. Amazingly, it did not take the other five lines with it. Ruta grabbed the rod and we strapped the belt on her.

Soon it became apparent that the this was something different: Didn't jump like a mahi and didn't dive like tuna. The critter ran off a couple of hundred yards before Ruta was able to turn him. It was obvious that she had ahold of a very strong fish.

However, 15 minutes later, it got close enough for identification. After a few harrowing moments attempting to net the critter, a beautiful brown suited man, a cobia was flopping around on the deck.

This was quite an unusual catch for being so far offshore, on Sam's Hill 31 miles from Wachapreague Inlet. For us it was particularly weird because we spent six days last year fishing for cobia in the Bay without getting a single hit. And now caught one by accident.

This was just part of of great day. We also caught a 21 pound mahi and another about 8 pounds. We also had quite a few other hits but they missed the hook.

On the way in we stopped at a wreck and topped off the day with a good mess of beautiful cbass.

Have a great 4th everyone.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Mssa Tournament and Tuna Fever

The MSSA Tunament was an awesome time on the water! The tuna were thick and the Gaffer Dolphin and Marlin were great additions. Only 4 or 5 boats left from Wachapreague but they accounted for hundreds of pounds of tuna and TWO of the winning boats.
Sam Fisher and his crew took top honors and Dale Dirks placed as well.
Goes to show that Wachapreague is small but we are Mighty !

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

MSSA Tuna-Ment

The MSSA Tuna-Ment was a success! Here are the results: 1st place - Sam Fisher (Right Hook) 111.4 lb BFT. 2nd place - Tommy Baldwin (Lady Luck V) 108.3 lb BFT. 3rd place - Tony Tolbard 89.9 lb BFT. CONGRATS!

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Nita Dream Fishing the MSSA Tuna-Ment

Fished the MSSA Tunament on 6/24 and 6/25

On Friday we had a great time with every one having four turns in the fighting chair catching three nice Dolphin and catching and releasing numerous Bluefin Tuna before keeping a nice 44 inch one

On Saturday the weather was a lot calmer so we headed to the Washington Canyon looking for some Yellowfin tuna and found them but no big ones but some real nice Dolphin then at 2:00 we headed back inshore to try for the Bluefin tuna again and found them right away catching several before keeping a nice 45 inch one

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Teaser Trifecta

Awesome day of fishing with Capt. Keith and Allen on the Teaser. Capt. Keith, "your the man" you found the fish all day and even tracked down the elusive over bluefin at crunch time.

Got the first keeper on ice by 6:30am and kept plucking bluefin for the next 4 hours. After 10 bluefin and no over 47 we headed out to the canyon for a shot at marlin and dolphin. Grabbed a dolphin within 15 minutes of setting up and followed that up with a white marlin within the hour. Slowed down around noon and after a hour with little action we headed back for another shot at that over 47 bluefin. We set the lines in the water and within a half hour we had the over on the line. The tale of the tape was 56" and 100 lbs even.

Thanks to Chris and Nicole at the Wachapreague Inn for your awesome accommodations and hospitality.

Solstice tuna

The morning sky was starkly divided between day and night as we approached Wachapreague Inlet. The brilliant red of the coming sunrise contrasted with the blackness of a dark sky that started at about 20 degrees above the horizon and continue to western line where sky meets land.

When we reached the inlet, a sliver of the Sun was showing at precisely 65 degrees east of north. This will be the furthest north Sol will be seen this year because it was Summer Solstice. From this day on until Winter Solstice, the Sun will rise at positions further and further south.

Though the inner passage was dead calm, the outgoing tide combined with the residual seas from the strong NE winds from the day before, really kicked up the inlet. Even considered returning to the dock. However, once past the inlet entering our Atlantic wilderness, the choppiness subsided and we found ourselves in a gentle roll, though the predicted 2-3 foot seas, were more like 4-5.

The Seacat took the waves well and we were escorted to 26 Mile Hill by a pod of dolphins, arriving at about 7:15. As we were putting lines over, the boat next to us had a strike and though it was lost, fought the fish for a long while. The action was slow for us while others were getting hits. About 8:30 we had the first hit. Our friend Jesse from West Va. who is used to catching sunfish, was designated to handle the first hit.

Of course, it was on the way-way back line and the critter ran off another 300 yards before Jesse was able to turn it. The action was a give and take fight to the boat where the bluefin was bluefinny and dove straight down as soon as it became visible in the water column. This went on for at least 15 minutes. Then the line went limp. Tough on anyone especially a pond fisher from an inland state.

But the second hit came soon after and our friend brought in a lovely mahi. The third strike occurred maybe 10 minutes later. It was obviously a bluefin and Ruta took the rod. The fight was a repeat of the first one, except that this appeared to be bigger. Again the fight was furious at the boat but Ruta refused help. A half hour later, she brought the fish close enough to the surface, where Martin was able to gaff it. Not sure who wore who down more: Tuna fish or fisher for tuna ?

The bluefin measured out at 44 inches fork length.

Since our BF for the day and a nice dolphin were already in the box and we didn't want to hurt any fish we couldn't keep, it was decided to head to 21 Mile Hill and see what was there. 20 minutes later we were putting the lures over. Shortly a hit. Line screamed off the reel and we thought it was bluefin. It was Martin's turn. He fought the fish for 15 minutes before bringing it to the boat. It was obviously not a BF but we thought a yellowfin. We weren't sure if it was 27 inches, so Ruta netted the critter. Upon close inspection, it was determined to be a blackfin, 28 inches.

A short time later, Jesse brought in another dolphin and we decided that was enough fish for this trip.

What a great trip with Sun, waves and the blessings of the fish gods and three firsts: Ruta's first ever bluefin, Martin's first ever blackfin and Jesse's first ever dolphin. The ride home was quick and we were mostly lost in our thoughts of a Summer Solstice that will not be soon forgotten.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Byte Me Bluefin Mania

An in incredible day Saturday June 18 with Andy & Randy Lieberman and Chris Wardius. Left the docks at 5am for the inshore lumps and had the first one, 50lbs, in the box around 9am. The rest of the morning was slow but the outside rigger got hammered and the reel was screaming again around 1pm with another 50lb class tuna. Light seas and bright sun added to this excellent day!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Nita Dream Offshore Fishing

We had a great day Offshore fishing with a nice mess of Dolphin with one being over 23 pounds

When you are ready to go Offshore Fishing give me a call to set up your trip

Capt Frank Large


Nita Dream Sea Bass Fishing

Mr. Pete Dillard and crew a good day Sea Bass Fishing taking home a nice mess of fish

Give me a call (Nita Dream Sport Fiahing Charters) to set up your fishing trip 540-297-2307

Capt. Frank Large

Friday, June 10, 2011

Hang'em High

Reminds me of the Clint Eastwood movie - I think the title was Hang-em High.

In any event another fine catch fishing with Capt. Keith Neal on the TEASER!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Giant falsies

Had one of our best days ever trolling. The ocean was so calm, a very gentle two foot roll, that we literally floated over to 26 Mile Hill.

Pulled ballyhoo and other lures for about an hour without a hit. Then bang! a pull-down on the way-way-back line. Ran off another 100 yards. Thought we had a small bluefin but 15 minutes later, a giant false albacore.

After putting the fish into the cooler, another hit and another and another. All very large. We caught them until becoming tired. All the fish were between 15 and 21 lbs 3 oz.

Interesting, that we only had hits on rigs with birdies and mostly on ballyhoo. They were all caught within a 100 yards of each other. The meat of these fish was unlike any falsies we ever cleaned: Very fatty and the color of bluefin and they also taste like bluefin.

On the way home we stopped at 21 Mile and caught our first dolphin of the year.

A great day.

martin freed and ruta vaskys------- outdoor writing: hunting, fishing, backpacking, mushrooming, rockhounding, wild edible gathering, self-sufficient living.-------Members of the OWAA------

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Flounder Bite is back ON !

The dirty water that has slowed our flounder bite has cleared out and the flounder are all over. We are back to our daily catches of 20-30 or more. The charters last weekend each caught 70 to 100+ flounder with some kingfish mixed in.
Many reports of private and charter boats having double digit keeper days.
Quote from Todd Toulson " Today was one of the best days fishing and keeping we have had in a long time"

Friday, June 3, 2011

Nita Dream Tuna Fishing

Nita Dream and several other boats out of Wachapreague went Tuna fishing on 5/29/11 and it turned out great, We caught 28 Tuna to 35 pounds keeping 7

White Bite was in the same area as us catching several Yellow Fin Tuna but they also had this nice 197 pound Big Eye Tuna

The Tuna fishing is starting out great this year so give us a call to set up a trip

Good Fishing Capt. Frank

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Hilltop Blues

Not the New Orleans kind, These blues are fun. Went to 21 Mile Hill today. The first one hit on the south end. Then it was steady action. Martin stole a clue from Ken Neil. Let Ruta drag in all the fish. After all he had to drive the boat. Every time she caught one, she said said, "no more." That resolve lasted until the next hit. Caught blues from 33 to 38 inches. Real slammers.

After we got tired of that, tried the wreck we found on the last trip. The Cbass were waiting. caught a bunch. Also had 10 cod, all dragged up by Ruta. Can't imagine cod in Va. on the last day in May. Weird. One of the best days we've had in a long time. We have a very tired girl tonight. She'll need a bunch of aspirins.

martin freed and ruta vaskys------- outdoor writing: hunting, fishing, backpacking, mushrooming, rockhounding, wild edible gathering, self-sufficient living.-------Members of the OWAA------

Monday, May 23, 2011

Nita Dream Tile Fishing

Nita Dream had a great day with a limit of Tile Fish and a nice mess of Sea Bass

Give Capt. Frank a call (540-297-2307) and set a date for a fishing trip on Nita Dream

P.S. It was reported that the the first Yellow Fin Tuna 0f the season out of Wachapreague was caught Sunday

Monday, May 16, 2011

Citation Flounder

Mike Blish from Hanover Va. with a citation doormat caught over the weekend. It was 8lbs. plus

Black Drum and Rockfish in th surf

Many surf fishermen and boaters that don't mind getting close to the rollers next to the shoals are enjoying some great action. Black Drum and Rockfish are being caught using clams and crabs on a fish finder rig. Boaters are anchoring up along side the shoals in the inlet and surf fishermen are enjoying the unspoiled Cedar Island beach.
Drum up to 100 pounds and trophy rock. Best part of this fishery is that you can also flounder fish and take home a hat trick.
We have rooms available give us a call for details or call Capt. Zed's 757 789 3222.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Friday Tournament Results

The results are all the same as Thursday with 5lb 10 oz holding tight. Saturday morning has brought light rain and light winds. The streets are not filled with trailers but everyone staying at the Inn are out there.

(13.5 lb Flounder (Halibut) steals the tournament

Dave Wilson and His friends had lots of fun with this headless halibut they had sent from Alaska. They held it up to passing boaters and carried it around in a bucket at the docks with the tail hanging out. Everyone thought they just crushed the tournament. Unfortunately , before shipping, the wholesaler cut off the head.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Thursday Capt. Zed's Flounder Tour. Standings

Crazy week with the wind and weather. It has been warm but the wind has not let up. Today is a north west blowing around 15 knots and the sun is shining.

1. William Rawlins, DE 5 lb 10 1/2oz 24 1/2"

2. Talmen Curry, MD 5lb 10oz 23"

3. Bonnie Crouse, VA 5lb 3oz 24"

4. Kenny Becraft, MD 5lb 2oz 24"

5. Ralph Barr, 4lb 3oz 24"

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Capt. Zed's Flounder tournament standings

Opening day was breezy but fishable. most boats put keepers in the box up to 25". Saturday was a dry blowo out. No rain but strong winds kept most boats out of the water. A lot of Tail Gating with steamed clams and beer drinking at the Inn. Standings as of 5 pm Saturday 4- 16- 11 1. 24 1/2" 5lb 10 oz Rawlins 2. 25" 5lb 3oz Huff 3. 24" 5lb 3oz Crouse 4. 24" 5lb 2oz Dekraft 5. 24" 4lb 131/2oz Barr We will update the standings daily around 5 pm.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Hot Fishing on a Chilly Day

Flounder are plentiful - 6 keepers out of 8 fish for the rowdy Dundalk crew, led by Pat. The Morris guys in the big house had 5 fish, 2 keepers.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Flounder are Biting!!

The flounder bite is on, the past 2 weeks have steadily been getting better & better - 4 keepers today from one fisherman, streets are starting to be lined with trucks & trailers. The 21st Annual Flounder Tournament runs from Friday April 15th - Sunday April 24th and the Inn is sold out for the first weekend - so make your reservations now because we're filling up quickly. Lots of great things in the works, see you soon!