The fiddler crab on single hook rig slowly disappeared as it descended into the crystal clear water. It bounced on the bottom and Martin took the slack up out of the line. No sooner had he finished, when there was the telltale light tap on the business end of the outfit. He hit back hard thinking it might be a triggerfish or sheepshead. The fish hit back harder and attempted to dive back into the wreck. But Martin held on and fight had begun.
The fish felt like a tautog because the pumping battle. But the water was too warm for this species. After a few minutes, the fish was seen, but not recognized about 20 feet down. When he got the critter within five feet of the surface identification was possible. Thinking this could not be, we had to admit that it was a codfish.
A codfish in Virginia in the middle of August. Unheard of! There has to be something going on in the environment to find this cold water species this far south, in 60 feet of water, during the dog days of Summer.
Had a great day. Trolled to the wreck catching unlimited numbers of one pound blues. After anchoring, we fished for triggers, sheepshead, tog, seabass and flounder. Wound up with no triggers, sheepshead or tog but caught our limit of flounder and a few keeper seabass besides the cod. All the flatfish we caught were legal. The largest was 23 inches.
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